Monday, November 19, 2012



1.  Arrange this information into the proper outline format.  Find the title.  Some items are topic sentences.  One item is the thesis.  The rest are supporting details.

Outside the basement door and to your left we have an awesome kids’ play area.
Two tall elms
Lots of green grass under the shade trees
Tomato plants
Two lawn chairs near the table
In the center of the yard we have shade trees and a picnic area.
Swing set
My backyard
On the far right we have a small, fenced in vegetable garden.
Sweet corn
If you look out the living room window at my house, you’ll have a great view of my back yard.
Yellow slide
Picnic table
Sand box
My sister’s plastic 3-wheeler and toys

2.  Arrange this information into the proper outline format.  Create a title.  Find the thesis. Some items are topic sentences.  The supporting details are given, too, but you’ll have to take them out of sentence format and list them as separate details.  You may have more than 4 details under a topic sentence.
            Eating is something most people do at least three times a day: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Breakfast is the morning meal. The meal can include eggs, bacon, ham, cereal, bread, or fruit.  Lunch is the meal eaten halfway through the day. Many people like to eat foods such as soup, salad, and sandwiches.  The evening meal, dinner, is usually the largest meal of the day. People may eat a main dish of meat or fish. They may also have salads, vegetables, and rice or bread.

3.  Bigger Challenge – Put the following information into an outline.  Come up with your own details for A., B., C., D., etc.  


Thesis:  There are lots of different movies available at your DVD rental store.
I.                    INTRODUCTION
II.                 Horror movies

III.               Action movies

IV.              Comedies
V.                 Westerns
VI.              Science Fiction
VII.            Children’s movies