Monday, November 26, 2012


Thesis:  There are some things about myself that I would like to redesign.

1. Something physical  (nose, height, etc.)
2. Mental ability  (IQ, GPA, etc.)
3. Financial status (job, car, income, etc.)
4. Athletic ability (BB, golf, wresting, etc.)
5. Creative talent (be more musical, artistic, etc.)
6. Change where you live (town, country, state)
7. Change something in your past
8. Change your attitude or outlook
9. Change personality (more assertive, less critical, more outgoing, etc.)
10. Improve relationships


            Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wished that you could change the way you look?  Maybe that long nose that you inherited from great-granddad is not all that flattering.  On the other hand, perhaps you already think you’re the fairest guy or gal in the land, but do you wish you could be more intelligent, or more charming, or even more ambitious?  There are three things about myself that I would like to redesign.
            The first thing I would change is… (Finish this topic sentence for the first supporting paragraph.)
            The next thing about me that I would change is… (Finish this topic sentence for the 2nd supporting paragraph.)
            There is one more thing I would change about myself and that is … (Finish this topic sentence for the 3rd supporting paragraph.)
            Although it would be great to become this new person, I realize that there are some things I can change and others that I cannot.  I may be able to change (fill in the blank) but I know that I cannot change (fill in the blank.)  I would rather just be myself than to be someone I am not, anyway.  Nevertheless, it is fun to imagine the possibilities of what it would be like if I could indeed redesign myself and create a new “me.”