Tuesday, January 29, 2013

LITERARY ELEMENTS #1 When the Legends Die

Literary Elements #1 When the Legends Die           Name:
Chapters 1-6: Part 1 Bessie

1.  What 2 inferences can you make from the underlined passages below? (An inference is a conclusion/guess you make from evidence.  The information is not directly stated.)
 (page 4 R, 4 W)
Blue Elk rubbed his hands together.  They were the soft hands of a man who has not worked in a long time.  He said, “Bessie!  Stop the wailing.  The wailing is for another woman.  Let her make the mourning.”

2.  What inference can you make about Blue Elk from the underlined passage below? (An inference is a conclusion/guess you make from evidence.  The information is not directly stated.)
 (page 5 R, 5 W)
Blue Elk said to her (Bessie), “For the cost of two horses I could settle this.”
“I have not the cost of two horses.”
“One horse,” Blue Elk offered.
“I have not the cost of one goat.

3. Metonymy = a word or phrase is used to stand in for another word.   Examples: The office called.
    Please lend a hand.  The White House issued a statement.This new dish is delicious.
Find an example of metonymy on page 5R/5W.

4.  What literary element is this?
Blue Elk says, “My people do not lie,” but when the Sheriff asks what Bessie said, Blue Elk tells him, “She says her husband did not come here.” She had actually said, “I have not the cost of one goat.”    [p 5 R,  5W]

5.  What evidence in the text on page 8 R/ 10W might explain why Blue Elk tells his people on Horse Mountain that they must return to the reservation and then he will get them jobs at the sawmill in Pagosa?

6.  Even though George Black Bull is paid $2/day to work at the sawmill, why can’t he quit his job and go back to the reservation? [p.11R/14W]

7.  Frank No Deer stole money from George Black Bull three times.  Why was this such a serious offense to George, so serious that George killed him for it?  [Make an inference.]

8.  On page 3 and page 13 Red [3 & 17 W], what gesture is used by George towards his wife Bessie and by again by Bessie with her son, Thomas?  What does the gesture mean?

9.  Find an example of personification on page 14 R/ 19 W.

10.  What does Bessie do after she uses the grasshoppers to catch fish, and before she and her son go to sleep at night? [Page 15-16R, 20-21W ]

11.  What literary element is this?  “There at the foot of Bald Mountain…”

12.  The father was unsuccessful at hunting deer the first time he hunted?  What made the difference the second time he hunted, according to his wife? [p17R/ 23 W]

13. Bessie wanted a round lodge rather than a square house made of lodge pine logs.  What did the roundness symbolize? [p18 R/ 24 W].

14. What literary element is this?  “The wind sang a song of wide skies and far mountaintops.”   [p18 R/ 25 W].

15. What literary element is this?  “First snow came, six inches of it in the night, fluffy as cotton grass in bloom.”   [p18 R/ 25 W].

16. What literary element is this?  “Winter is long in the high country, and short white days can bring black hunger.”   [p19 R/ 26 W]

17. How much time has passed now? “They lived as people lived in the old days, and a third time the aspens turned to gold and showered leaves on the lodge he had made as she wanted it, round like the year.  [p19 R/ 27 W].

18.  What literary elements are in this passage?  They sang the death songs for him, in the darkness with the stars watching them.  Then they went down the mountain and back to the lodge.  She said to the boy,  “Now you are the man.”  [p 21 R/ 29 W].

Monday, January 28, 2013


What Makes a Good Audience?

1.    *distractions (i.e., pass to leave or you get called to the office.)
2.    * distractions (You didn’t intend to distract, i.e., coughing, sneezing, or accidentally dropping something.)
3.    *distractions (Trying to tease the speaker on purpose, like making a face at him.)

v 9 Audience Responsibilities

1.    Be *.  That means LISTEN, DON’T SLEEP or play with your iPad or phone!
2.    * the speaker (maintain eye contact), especially if you are not too close to him or her.
3.    * only when appropriate.
4.    Avoid * movements, such as tapping your pen, moving around in your seat, etc.
5.    Never * to someone sitting next to you even if you are only commenting on the speech in a positive way.
6.    Do not * out of your seat unless it is absolutely necessary.
7.    Try to look * because this will give the speaker confidence.
8.    Remember, the speaker will probably interpret your actions and facial expressions in a * way if he or she is nervous.
9.     Always remember, it could be * up there, so be NICE!

You will be GRADED as a listener each quarter. 
   You will start with *, but of course, you could lose more than that by distracting the speaker deliberately.

v Watch the “Audiences Behaving Badly” video

Journal Entry #2 (Write 5-10 sentences):  How would you feel if you were the student reading the essay?  What were some of the bad audience behaviors going on? Has something like this ever happened to you?  When?  Why is it so important to be a good audience member?  Explain. 

Friday, January 25, 2013




 Fear:  The word “fear” refers to the biological processes by which the animals and man secure the necessary ___to do a job, when the job to be done is one that really matters.  A job that eally matters is one in which ___ results in injury to either on’s physical and/or psychological self.

Self-confidenceThis word refers to the ability of an individual to predict with a rather high degree of probability that what you’re about to do can be done with some degree of __ and __.  (Predicting always requires that the person who predicts has some evidence of success from a previous ___.)

True or False?
1.  That self-confidence means the same thing as never having fear.
2.  That fear is abnormal and undesirable.
3.  That fear in a person is a sign of weakness or cowardice.
4.  That those who do things well do them without having fear.
5. That anything difficult or painful is bad or to be avoided.
6.  That brave people do not have fear;  only cowards are afraid.
7.  That self-confidence will come suddenly, and fear will no longer exist.

Five Basic Ideas for Developing Self-Confidence
1.  All normal persons have fear when faced with situations that _ _.
2.  Fear is __ and __ when understood, but it is harmful and distracting when misunderstood.
3.  All physical fear reactions have __ explanations.
4.  All __ speaking situations are situations that really matter.
5.  All self-confidence comes from __.  You are not born with it.

CASE OF FEAR SPEECH    Prepare a speech that is 1.5 to 3 minutes long.  Tell us about a specific experience you have had in which you had a fear reaction. (On a date, big game, job interview, car accident, tangle with the Law, death of loved one, try-outs, hunting situation, drivers’ license test, math test, argument, dog chased you, etc.)                                    

1.  Describe the specific situation you faced.  Tell your story.  “I experienced fear/anxiety when…”

2.  Explain why the situation really mattered: “This situation really mattered because…”

3.  Describe your thoughts—your mental reaction to the situation“My thoughts at the time were …”

4.  Describe your physical reaction to stress or fear, i.e. shaking, sick stomach, etc. “My physical reaction to the stress/fear was that…”

5.  Describe the outcome of the story and tell how well you managed your fear. “Overall, I think I handled (didn’t handle) my fear well because…”

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Chapter 1 NOTES & Journal  Name:

Personal Fear Inventory:  How many of these do you experience when you are nervous?

___Hands/feet get cold
___Increased heart beat
___Difficulty in breathing
___Nervous feeling
___Voice gets squeaky
___Wrong words come out
___Sweating, feeling hot
___Mouth gets dry
___Butterflies/ sick stomach
___Wanting to escape; not come to class
___Shakiness in knees
___Inability to look at people
___Increased rate of breath
___Worry the night before
___Voice gets hoarse
___Face gets flushed, blushing
___Increased perspiration
___Felling foolish
___Headache hands/fingers shaky
___Unable to concentrate

Mark the situations that make you nervous or fearful:
Athletic events                        Giving a speech                       Before a date
Tryouts for something             Important tests                                    Job interviews
Doctor appointments              Dentist appointments              Meeting new people
Death in the family                 During an argument                When someone you love is hurt


1 – Communication apprehension is…

2 – Adrenalin causes…

3 – What can you do about communication apprehension?

3 – Why should we learn to do public speaking? 


Journal Entry:  Write 5 (C) – 10 sentences (A)

Go back over the Personal Fear Reaction list.  Look at the items you checked.  Explain what happens to you when you experience fear.  Describe the symptoms you experience.  Which ones are the most troublesome to you?  Are you able to control the fear symptoms or do they control you?  Is there anything you can do about these fear symptoms?  Are they ever helpful to you because they give you an extra boost of energy?  Can you think of a time when fear is a GOOD thing?  Why would it be good or helpful?  

Tuesday, January 22, 2013



1 - When the Legends Die By ______ __________________
 “When the legends _______, the ______ end.
When the dreams end, there is no more __________.”    -Ute wise saying

2 - Introduction
When the Legends Die tell about the life of ________ _____ _________, a Native American Ute from Southwestern Colorado.

3 - UTE Native People
The Ute people lived in __________, New Mexico, and the area of ___________, (named after the Ute people.)
UTE means “land of the ___________.”

4 - SETTING - 1912
As a young boy, Tom lives with his mother Bessie and his father George Black Bull in Pagosa, SW Colorado. 
Pagosa is part of reservation lands.

 Tom’s father, George Black Bull, kills _______ ____ _______ for having repeatedly _______ money from him.  The family must flee the town of Pagosa and hide in the ________________.


1.  Revise this “essay” so that it no longer has run-ons or fragments, and fix any other errors you find. 
2.  Subdivide it so that it has correct paragraphing.  
          When to start a new paragraph:

          1.When you start in on a new topic          2.When you skip to a new time          3.When you skip to a new place          4.When a new person begins to speak          5.When it helps the reader focus and read more efficiently.

          Have you ever been humilated and wondered how things got so out of control?  Well, that’s what happened to me recently when a kid considerably younger than I am got the best of me it was the low point of my life.  Last week I decided to go ice skating on a pond behind our house it’s only about a half of a block away so the first thing I did was sort through a messy basement closet to find my skates.  What a joke, what a mess!  That little chore took me twenty minnutes because my mother hid my skates under a pile of old rummage sale stuff that never sold and they were inside a box that was labeled “Christmas” so it seemed like Mom deliberately was playing Hide-and-Seek with me.  When Mom puts my stuff away.  She does it with a vengeance.  (Actually, there’s more to that story, she had told me to put the skates away about ten times and I ignored her.  Then she told me, “You’ll be sorry!”  Rule 1: Never underestimate your mother!)  After I found my skates, hockey stick, and puck, I put on lots of warm clothes and headed towards the pond.  My little nephew Tipper followed me there, I don’t know how he new what I was up to, he lives two houses down from us and I think my mother once again was behind his miraculous appearance.  How is it possible for a kid to just show up with his skates unless someone tipped him off?  Anyway, we both sat down on a log near the pond and put our skates on.  He had brought a hockey stick too, so I figured we could shoot around awhile.  Once we got onto the ice, I noticed it was pretty rough I mean it was very, very bumpy.  Some snow had frozen into it, but I wasn’t about to let that stop me.  Tipper and I started sailing around the pond we tried to avoid the occasional weeds that stuck up through the ice.  This little twerp wasn’t too bad of a skater in fact I hate to admit it, but he was better than I was at dodging weeds of course I could still whack the puck alot harder than he could.  I’m seventeen,Tipper is only ten but I shouldn’t have let that fool me.  The first thing that started to bug the heck out of me was that Tipper started stealing the puck away from me.  Not funny at all.  The first time he did it he giggled hilariously while I could feel my blood pressure rising and my face getting red it wasnt from the cold air either.  I told him to knock it off, he just smiled and grinned, then he said, “Well, why are you so slow?”  Did I mention that this kid is a smart aleck?  The second time he stole the puck from me.  I yanked his blond hair as hard as I could and he went flying across the ice.  I expected him to cry or wine at me and maybe even GO HOME immediately but no, he just giggled some more and started skating around me like I was a dying fish in a shark tank and that really made me mad, mad enough to lose my cool.  I told him, “Why don’t you go to the other end of the pond, and I’ll skate towards you with the puck, and you see if you can take it away again.”  My plan was to skate really fast and slam him with my hockey stick the moment he tried to lunge for my puck, maybe that wasn’t the brightest idea in the world but I wanted vengeance. Because he seemed to be enjoying himself at my expense.  Tipper took the challenge, he skated to the other end of the pond and we stood in face-off positions.  The moment I took off and headed towards him.  He did the same.  We were both skating as fast as we could go towards each other.  Then the moment of my humilation came, Tipper reached out to steal my puck.  And I stretched out my stick to whack the heck out of him.  Unfortunately, there was a small, innocent-looking pond weed sticking up through the ice that was apparently on my nephew’s side. And I didn’t notice that little evil weed. Until it was too late.  My skate blade twisted and I was the one who went hurling across the ice with my face scraping the snow like a plow on a side road.  I looked up in defeat.  As my darling nephew Tipper zipped past me with MY puck gliding along under his control.  He yelled, “Hey, Pokey, you want me to teach you how to skate?”   I didn’t say a word, there was too much snow in my mouth. My leg ached, and my face stung. And it wasn’t just from embarassment. Still, I couldn’t help but wonder, “Is this kid really that good, or did Mom set me up on this one?”  Like I said. Never underestimate your mother.  And never underestimate little kids either.

A- Contract work:  Write a good sentence that is 30 or more words long, but make sure it is NOT a run-on.
Example: Wishing he'd brought his umbrella and dreaming of his nice warm bed, John waited for the city bus for twenty minutes in the rain last Tuesday because his Ford Escort was in the repair shop.

Monday, January 21, 2013




PART ONE:  Fix the fragments in this passage.        
            Although women's college basketball in Connecticut is a marvelously entertaining and popular sport. It not hard to remember. When it was not so popular. It’s is hard to believe. Only a few years ago, my friends and I to went to a women's basketball game. And we could get seats for free near center court. Especially on Sunday afternoons.
     Of course, that before names such as Rebeccca Lobo, Jenn Rizzotti, and Kara Wolters became household words. Lobo's book, HOME-COURT ADVANTAGE, which she wrote with her mother. A best-seller in Connecticut. If more than a couple of hundred fans showed up for a game. It was considered a big turnout. And games were played in practically silent gyms. Because the fans didn't care who won. Nowadays, it almost impossible to buy tickets to a women's game, and you can't get seats. Unless you know someone.      
       Indeed, who would have predicted ten years ago? That women's basketball so wildly popular? Well, people who have watched the growth of women's basketball in southern states. The enormous campus arenas at the state universities in Tennessee, North Carolina, and Georgia filled to capacity for home games.
      The coach for Tennessee's Lady Vols, Pat Summitt. She has achieved nearly godlike stature in that state. A tall, striking figure on- and off-court. Summitt commands respect. Wherever she goes. My youngest sister, Ruth Ann, who lives in Tennessee. She says you can't near Pat Summitt after a game. "You'd think she a rock star," she says. Although Geno Auriemma, Coach of the UConn women's team. Not yet enjoying that kind of support. He rapidly becoming a widely recognized figure. Because he appears frequently on TV news and sports shows.

Part Two:Fix the fragments
             The boat ride to the island took about 2 hours. Our boat held a lot of tourists.  About thirty people.  As we were cruising.  We could see dolphins in the water.  They started playing with us. Coming very close to the boat. Jumping, flipping, and splashing. We raced with the dolphins. Which was exciting. Even though we lost.  We reached the island’s shore at sunset. Just in time for the luau. We saw a show at the Polynesian Cultural Center.  Dancing and singing in traditional Polynesian costumes. We tasted many local dishes.  I loved all of the foods. Especially the poi. Which is ground up taro root. When it was time to get back on the boat.  I wanted to stay.  Because my first trip to Hawaii was so fun. (12 errors)

Friday, January 18, 2013


Interviews and Introductions

            Work with a partner and interview him or her on the following topics.  You will be introducing that person in a short speech.  You may use your notes when you introduce him/her.  If you just want to introduce yourself, that’s fine, too.

1.  Full name including middle name?

2.  Where do you live?  Have you lived anywhere else?  If so, where?

3.  What is your favorite subject in school?  Least favorite?

4.  What do you do for recreation?  (Hobbies?  Pastimes?)

5.  What would you like to do for a future career?

6.  What kind of music do you like?  Do you have a favorite band?  What is it?

7.  If you were stuck on a desert island for a year, which one famous person would you like to be there with you?

8.  What is your favorite food?

9.  Tell your opinion on one or more of the following . . .
             President Barak Obama -

            The Vikings football team –

            The Twins baseball team-

10.  If you could live in any place in the world, where would you live?  Why?

11.  What is one fact about you that almost nobody knows?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

DAY 1: TECH WRITING (Fix Fragments #1)

FIX FRAGMENTS #1     Name: _____________

Part one:  Fix the fragments by combining the sentences or adding words to them.

1.  While I was sleeping. My dog began to bark.
2.  The winter of 2011 is shaping up to be one of the worst on record for several states, 
3.  Sunny Rockland has already had several snow days and more storms are on the way.
4.  I stopped at the grocery store to pick up chips and salsa. Before the Super Bowl began.
5.  I enjoy skiing it is my favorite winter sport.
6.  I prefer reading mysteries over romances. Especially mysteries with a paranormal element.

   Part Two:  Put these sentences into paragraph form, and get rid of fragments. Get rid of the numbers.
1.  Children receive conflicting messages from a variety of sources.
2.  Which cannot be silenced: teachers, books, friends, and television programs.
We have, from time to time, experimented in this country with limited access to potentially damaging or offensive materials.
3.  Such as books and movies.
4.  But these experiments have not withstood legal challenges.
5.  The courts have decided that Americans have the right to choose what they see or hear and that writers and others have the right to create what they wish.
6.  Although,  certain extreme circumstances, like child pornography, are so offensive and damaging to the children being filmed that as a society we have said that such products are repugnant.
7.  Which is the argument that Charren is making about advertisements directed at children.
8.  But as a society having agreed to limit speech only in the most extreme cases.
9.  There is nothing in the making of advertisements that is as purposefully vulgar or harmful as there is in child pornography.
10.  If anything, advertising more closely resembling the language of our everyday speech.

Part Three:  Combine these sentences to eliminate fragments and make them complete sentences. 
          While only eight microbreweries existed in the United States a decade ago. Today seventy microbreweries are brewing more than 65,000 barrels of specialty beers a year. Microbreweries are winning awards for the tastiness of their products. Which has caused the large producers to alter their production and advertising techniques. Because microbrewery beer is often free of additives. It must be sold locally. Local production, distribution, and advertising has become a key to microbrewery success. Which depends on creating the perception among buyers of a freshness and healthfulness not available in mass-market beers. Even though image is important. Quality of the product is what has convinced an increasing number of American beer drinkers to buy from local, smaller breweries.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


Literary Elements #16  Ch 26-28  To Kill a Mockingbird     Name_______

1.       Find a simile on page 243 that refers to the how events of the past summer still lingered in the minds of Scout and Jem and the whole town.

2.  What literary element is this? 
“There was one odd thing, though that I never understood: in spite of Atticus’s shortcomings (in the eyes of Maycomb)…people were content to re-elect him to the state legislature that year, as usual, without opposition.”

3.  On page 244-245 Miss Gates discusses, with her class, the atrocities Hitler is committing against the Jews in Europe.  What question does Cecil Jacobs ask the teacher, and what does this question reveal about the racism in Maycomb?

4.  Chapter 29 builds SUSPENSE.  The root word of suspense is “suspend,” meaning the reader is left hanging—wondering about what will happen next.  On pages 248-249, three things happen to people who supported Tom Robinson, and their effect is to build suspense. What are they?
5. On page 250 find a simile that refers to how Judge John Taylor looked at Bob Ewell during the trial. 

6. Find a simile on page 252 that refers to who stole Miss Tutti and Frutti Barber’s furniture on the previous Halloween night.
       What really happened to the furniture?

7.  Can you guess 3 literary elements in this passage?  “ Aunt Alexandra said …she’d been decorating the stage all afternoon and was worn out—she stopped short in the middle of her sentence.  She closed her mouth, then opened it to say something, but no words came.
“ ‘s matter, Aunty?” I asked.
“Oh nothing, nothing,” she said, “somebody just walked over my grave.”  She put away from her whatever it was that gave her a pinprick of apprehension.”


8.  On page 254, what literary element is this:  “After that, it didn’t matter whether they went or not.  Jem said he would take me.  Thus began our longest journey together.” 

9 .  On page 255, what happens to the Jem and Scout on the way to the Halloween pageant?  This event is important because it serves as a sharp contrast to what happens later on during their return trip home.  It builds suspense.

10.  On page 258, what does the colloquialism in this sentence mean?  “…and taking no lip from the subordinates…”

11. On page 259, something happens that causes Scout to want to leave her ham costume on so she can “…hide her mortification under it.”  What does mortification mean here?

12. On page 260, Jem repeatedly asks Scout to be quiet, and they stop and start again and again on their walk home.  Why can Jem hear things Scout can’t hear?  

What effect does the writer intend here? 

13.  On page 262,  what literary element is this?  “Metal ripped on metal and I fell to the ground and rolled as far as I could, floundering to escape my wire prison.”  

Why was it important that Scout had missed her cue and come in late during the pageant?

14.  On page 262, Scout describes what happened when she and Jem were attacked.  Find a simile that refers to the strength of the man who was trying to squeeze the breath out her.

15.  How do the last few paragraphs on page 266 add to the mystery of what happened to Scout and Jem on their way home from the pageant?



Directions:  There are 36 errors in this essay: fragments, run-ons, spelling errors, grammar, capitalization, and punctuation mistakes, word choice problems (repeating the same word too often), manuscript errors (not double spaced, indenting, etc.)   FIX THE ERRORS AND MAKE IMPROVEMENTS IN WORD CHOICE.  Get rid of bad wording.

Before you email your essay to the teacher, ASK TO USE THE KEY TO MAKE SURE YOU FOUND ALL ERRORS.

In this essay I will tell you about my weekend trip.  Last weekend I went to the Mall of Americca in Bloomington, it was really a great experience.  I ain’t gonna be able to tell you everything about it cuz it was so big.  Shop till you drop at that place!  And you can have a great time on the rides, to.
          The Mega Mall has a lot to offer.  It has 3 shopping levels that forma a big square.  Inside the square their is Snoopyland, a big amusement park with rides.  Four large department stores are on the four corners of the mall.  A big movie theater offers all of the new releases, ther sure is a lot to do.
          At Snoopyland in the center of the mall, you can pretend you’re outside at an amusement park.  You can rideon a roller coaster that goes upside down.  Or on a log flume ride that takes you over a water fall.  There are real trees and plants growing all around you so that that place is like a park  Speciel shows can be seen on a small stage as well.  I seen lots of other rides for small children, too.
          Another intresting place in the mall is Lego Land.  Giant, big legos are everywhere.  There are lego statues of dinosaurs, animals, machines, and people to see.  It’s a very colorful place to see.
          In conclusion, the Mall of america is really a great place to visit.  It offers some thing for everyone.  Have a good time when you goe, remember to bring plenty of money and comfortable shoes.  Youll need both

Review commas for the test right here:  http://www.savethecomma.com/game/

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


A Time I Learned Something” Essay

1.  Write an essay on “A Time I Learned Something.”  Tell about a specific event or time in your life where you learned an important life lesson, and then explain how it changed you.

2.  Maybe one of these thesis statements (or something similar) would work for you:
    • When I was fifteen, I learned an important lesson about _________.  (gossip, safety, etc.)
    • When I broke my leg, I learned what a true friend really is.
    • Last summer, I learned an important lesson about not judging people unfairly.
    • This past Christmas, I learned that being selfish doesn’t make you happy.
    • Never lie to your parents—believe me!  I found out the hard way.
    • At work one day I learned that the way I treat people makes a difference in the way they treat me.
    • When my brother got hurt, I realized that life is just too short to argue.
    • Because of my VB coach, I learned that  if I work hard, I can do almost anything.
    • When I started school this fall, learned a tough lesson about what it means to not take myself so seriously.
    • Last summer I learned that if I am lazy, I will regret it.
    • When my grandfather died, I learned how important it is not take anyone for granted.
    • Did you know that the most important things in life can’t be bought with money?

2.  Make an outline for your essay. (7 pts.)  You might want your three body paragraphs to be about these topics:  

            I.  INTRODUCTION
            II.   Before  (What was I  like before it happened?)
            III.  During (Tell the story of what happened.)
            IV.  After  (How did this experience change me?)
            V.  CONCLUSION

3.  Your essay should be double spaced, font size 12, Arial or New Times Roman.

4.  Your essay will be evaluated using the Six Traits of Writing Rubric below:

    1. Ideas (Your creative thoughts about the topic.) – 6 pts.
    2. Organization (Make sure you have and introduction, body, & conclusion.) – 6 pts.
    3. Voice (Let your personality show in your writing.  Let the reader feel your emotions and convictions.) – 6 pts.
    4. Word Choice (Be very specific.  Say it in your own, unique way.  Use a thesaurus.) – 6 pts.
    5. Sentence Fluency (Vary your sentence beginnings.  Some sentences should be long and some short for emphasis.  They should flow together.) – 6 pts.
    6. Conventions and Presentation (Use correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.)– 10 pts.

                        TOTAL = 40 pts.


                                          A TIME I LEARNED SOMETHING

Thesis:  I learned a valuable lesson about life when ________________.


II.   Before  (What was I  like before it happened?)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence

III.   During (Tell the story of what happened.)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence

IV.     After  (How did this experience change me?)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence