Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Definition Paragraphs 

The purpose of a definition is to give precise understanding of a term.  The purpose is not to be creative but rather to be exact and concise.  A definition may give a description of the characteristics or attributes of the term, or it may explain the operation of a process.

STEP I:  WRITE PARAGRAPHS FROM THE OUTLINES:  Put some of the choices below into paragraphs.  Write at least one sentence for every letter,  a, b, c, and d.  Change the information so that it sounds original, like YOU wrote it.  Vary your sentence structure so that your writing doesn’t sound repetitive.  Don’t forget to write a closing sentence, too.  Proofread your paragraphs for errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
            Grade “Guidelines” – You should be writing until the teacher stops you to do Peer Review.  You should try to complete 2-4 paragraphs.

STEP 2:  PEER REVIEW:  Someone else in class should read your paragraphs to help you find errors and to make suggestions for improvement!  After you print, have that student sign his/her name at the bottom of your paper.
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1.  One of the most vital organs in the human body is the brain.
            a.  Gives thinking ability and memory
            b. Controls bodily functions
            c.  Weighs three pounds
            d.  Consumes twenty-five percent of oxygen supply but does not grow
            e.  Most complex arrangement of matter in the universe
            f.  Closing sentence

2.  A potato is a popular vegetable served in a variety of forms.
            a.  Fried, baked, mashed, etc.
            b.  Originally came from Columbia, South America
            c.  Grows underground from shoots off other plants
            d.  Important source of carbohydrates in the diet
            e.  Closing sentence

3.  Salt is a white, crystalline substance used in seasoning food.
            a.  Consists of sodium and chloride
            b.  Used to preserve foods, especially meat
            c.  Prevents dehydration
            d.  Can be harmful if too much is consumed
            e.  Closing sentence

4.  Feudalism was a system of political organization during the Middle Ages  in Europe.
            a.  Men served a feudal lord in exchange for protection
            b.  These men were vassals, or under lords
            c.  Vassals given land for service
            d.  Serfs (common people) worked for vassals
            e.  Closing sentence

5.  A helicopter is a speedy, efficient flying machine.
            a.  Easily maneuvered
            b.  Used in rescue work
            c.  Used in traffic control       
            d.  Used to fight forest fires
            e.  Closing sentence

6.  A best friend must have certain qualities to be a real friend.
            a.  Loyalty
            b.  Sense of humor
            c.  Ability to sympathize when you are in trouble
            d.  Always there for you
            e.  Closing sentence

7.  The office of the President of the United States is the highest office in the land.
            a.  Elected by the popular vote of the citizens
            b.  Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces
            c.  Veto power over Congress
            d.  Position of honor and respect among other nations
            e.  Closing sentence

8.  A pineapple is a tropical plant bearing an edible,  juicy fruit.
            a.  Large and spiny, weighing up to three pounds
            b.  Yellow, gold color
            c.  Grows only in hot climates
            d.  Tangy, juicy flavor, but often canned not fresh
            e.  Closing sentence

9.  A noun is a grammatical term for a person, place, thing, or idea.
            a.  Used as the subject or object of a sentence
            b.  Can be Proper or Common
            c.  Idea nouns are loyalty, kindness, etc.
            d.  Often found with a verb
            e.  Closing sentence

10.  Antarctica is the southernmost continent in the world.
            a.  No human population        
            b.  Bitter cold year-round
            c.  Much of continent is ice with a few small ice-free patches made bare by wind
            d.  Home to seals, penguins, polar bears
            e.  Closing sentence

11.  The Amazon River is the largest river in the world.
            a.  Widest river and covers largest geographical area
            b.  Discharges 7,200,000 cubic feet of water per second
            c.  Located in South America
            d.  Provides one fifth of all moving fresh water on earth
            e.  Closing sentence