Thursday, November 29, 2012

LITERARY ELEMENTS #12 To Kill a Mockingbird

Literary Elements #12, Chapter 17 – 18 To Kill a Mockingbird  Name: _________

Metaphor - A comparison that does not use "like" or "as." Ex.  The road was a ribbon of moonlight.
Simile - A comparison using "like" or "as." Ex. Her voice sounds like an angel’s.
Irony – When the opposite of what you would expect happens.
Foreshadowing – The author gives a hint of what is to come later in the story.

1.  During the trial, Atticus cross-examines the sheriff, Heck Tate.  What information comes out about Mayella Ewell’s injuries?  P. 167

2. What two literary elements are in this passage?  Page 169  “With his infinite capacity for calming turbulent seas, he (Atticus) could make a rape case as dry as a sermon. 
What do these phrases mean?

3. On page 169-170 find a metaphor that refers to Robert E. Lee Ewell, Mayella’s father. 

4. On page 170 find a simile that refers to the Ewell yard. 

5. On page 172, find a simile that describes what Bob Ewell heard on the night of November 21st.   

6.  On pages 172-174, Bob Ewell gives his testimony in court.  Judge Taylor becomes very upset with Ewell because of his choice of words.  What do you think Bob Ewell is deliberately trying to do as he answers the questions?
7. After reading the description of Bob Ewell’s property near the dump, why is this statement of his ironic?  “Jedge, I’ve asked this county for fifteen years to clean out that nest down yonder, they’re dangerous to live around ‘sides devaluin’ my property—”   [What is Ewell referring to?  What literary element is it?]

8. Find a metaphor for Bob Ewell on p. 176. 

9. On page 177 find a simile that indicates how Judge Taylor stared at Bob Ewell as he wrote his name on the back of the envelope Atticus had given him.

10.  Why did Atticus ask Bob Ewell to write his name?  Page 178   

11.  On page 181, find a simile that describes the way Mayella was during her testimony. 

12.  On page 182, what was ironic about Mayella’s complaint against Atticus? (She said he was sassing her.”  What did he do to upset her? 
13.  Let’s look at the evidence we know so far in these two chapters.  Atticus is building a case that shows  either Bob and Mayella Ewell are lying or there is no proof the alleged rape even happened.  What are some things he has shown?  See pages 167, 168, 178, 179, 181,
Page 167?

Page 168?

Evidence on page 178?

          Page 179? What kind of girl was Mayella?

On page 185, what evidence is there that Mayella is lying?

     On page 186, what evidence is revealed about Tom Robinson?

17.  On page 188 Mayella Ewell makes her final speech during the trial.  What do you think was the purpose behind what she said?

18.  Who do you think will be Atticus’s next and only witness for the defense?  Page 189