Friday, January 25, 2013




 Fear:  The word “fear” refers to the biological processes by which the animals and man secure the necessary ___to do a job, when the job to be done is one that really matters.  A job that eally matters is one in which ___ results in injury to either on’s physical and/or psychological self.

Self-confidenceThis word refers to the ability of an individual to predict with a rather high degree of probability that what you’re about to do can be done with some degree of __ and __.  (Predicting always requires that the person who predicts has some evidence of success from a previous ___.)

True or False?
1.  That self-confidence means the same thing as never having fear.
2.  That fear is abnormal and undesirable.
3.  That fear in a person is a sign of weakness or cowardice.
4.  That those who do things well do them without having fear.
5. That anything difficult or painful is bad or to be avoided.
6.  That brave people do not have fear;  only cowards are afraid.
7.  That self-confidence will come suddenly, and fear will no longer exist.

Five Basic Ideas for Developing Self-Confidence
1.  All normal persons have fear when faced with situations that _ _.
2.  Fear is __ and __ when understood, but it is harmful and distracting when misunderstood.
3.  All physical fear reactions have __ explanations.
4.  All __ speaking situations are situations that really matter.
5.  All self-confidence comes from __.  You are not born with it.

CASE OF FEAR SPEECH    Prepare a speech that is 1.5 to 3 minutes long.  Tell us about a specific experience you have had in which you had a fear reaction. (On a date, big game, job interview, car accident, tangle with the Law, death of loved one, try-outs, hunting situation, drivers’ license test, math test, argument, dog chased you, etc.)                                    

1.  Describe the specific situation you faced.  Tell your story.  “I experienced fear/anxiety when…”

2.  Explain why the situation really mattered: “This situation really mattered because…”

3.  Describe your thoughts—your mental reaction to the situation“My thoughts at the time were …”

4.  Describe your physical reaction to stress or fear, i.e. shaking, sick stomach, etc. “My physical reaction to the stress/fear was that…”

5.  Describe the outcome of the story and tell how well you managed your fear. “Overall, I think I handled (didn’t handle) my fear well because…”