Thursday, February 17, 2011

Thursday, Feb 17, 2011

Myths, Legends, & Tales:  We will take notes on the difference between Romanticism and Realism.  Then we will read two news articles about the "Loch Ness Monster" and "Yeti."  Analyze two sides of the arguments.
CIS College Comp:  We will do ACT prep, and then we will go over more writing tips for Descriptive Writing.  Tomorrow, you need your topic!  Also, read "Ground Zero" on page 167.  This is a description.  Answer the Comprehension Ques #1, and the Vocab Ques #2 & 3.  This is due Friday.
Speech: After vocab practice, read The Last of the Breed read for ten minutes. Then, I we will start our FEEDBACK DRAWING activity.  We'll see if we can replicate the picture you drew based upon the directions you give to us.  You cannot receive any feedback from us in this process.
Young Adult Lit:  .We will watch A Series of Unfortunate Events, part 3.  Today you will write your summary in Camera View/Detached Observer or Limited Omniscient point of view.  We will go over some Analysis Notes/Discussion afterwards.
Bible Lit:  Today we will take notes on the beginning of a great family saga, the Story of Abraham.  Finish your Language Comparison and Tower of Babel assignment before you start Abraham.