REVIEW PUZZLE FOR TEST CH. 4 & 5 Name:______
Rate Gap Hearing Listening
Pitch Enjoyment Long
Articulation Critical Precision Respiration Short term Rate
Resonators Larynx Write Framing Vocal cords Information
Empathic Diaphragm Pause Volume
1. Concentrating on & interpreting sounds you hear. (9 letters)
2. One of the senses through which sound is received. (7 letters)
3. The difference between how fast someone speaks and how fast you can listen. (2 words)
4. Memory that is a sorting box . (2 words)
5. Permanent storage memory. (2 words)
6. You are 6 to 8 times more likely to remember something if you ______ it. (5 letters)
7. Air passes over and through these to produce vibration and a loud sound. (2 words)
8. The large band of muscle just below the rib
cage that enables you to breathe. (9 letters)
9. It involves using your tongue, teeth, hard
and soft palate to enunciate. (12 letters)
10. The “voice box”
in your throat that contains your vocal chords. (6 letters)
11. The breathing process: voice production begins with this. (11 letters)
12. How loud or soft your voice is. (6 letters)
13. The highness or lowness
of your voice on a musical scale. (5 letters)
14. Your throat, skull, sinuses, and chest cavity
which amplify your voice. (10 letters)
15. The silences a speaker uses between words,
phrases, and sentences which add drama.
(5 letters)
16. Pausing slightly before and after a word or
phrase, to give it special emphasis. (7 letters)
17. The speed at which you speak. (4 letters)
18. Watching TV, listening to a CD is listening
for (9 letters)
19. Listening to understand or relate to the
feelings of others is ___ listening. (8 letters)
20. Listening for the main ideas is listening for
___ (11 letters)
21. Tuning an instrument is an example of ___
listening. (9 letters)
22. This level of listening involves evaluation
and judgment of ideas. __ listening.
(8 letters)