Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Make a Commercial Assignment

Preparing Your Commercial                 Your Name:

Name of Product/Service: (Examples:  Shamrock Cell Service, Handsome Hairspray, etc.)
Slogan: (“Catchy phrase  about your product that you repeat in your commercial, ie. Handsome Hairspray Holds and Holds in Heavy Weather)
Advertising Technique You will use: (Association, Bandwagon, Snob appeal, Plainfolks, Sex appeal, Play on Fear, Testimonial, or Logical appeal?)
Intended audience: (Who is this product or service for?  What type of person or age group?)
Overview of commercialExplain what you will do in your commercial. 

Will there be a skit or demonstration showing how it works? If so, explain.
Will you need a helper or helpers?  Explain.
Do you need the SmartBoard to draw, illustrate, or show something?
Will you show us your product?       (If so, plan to make a new label for it.)

List 10 characteristics of your Product/Service:  Why should we buy your product/service?  What makes your product/service better than others?  Is it stronger?  Faster?  Quieter?  More versatile?  More attractive?  Offer better service?  What does it cost?  What can your product be used for? Where is it located?  Where can we buy it?  What does the product/service offer—good health? Safety? Freedom? Fun? Refreshment? Popularity? Etc.  Tell us lots of good information about your product or service!!

Visual Aids:  What will be on your PowerPont presentation besides the name of your product or service and your slogan? Any pictures?
What items will you need in order to do your commercial besides your PowerPoint? 
Will you need a costume? If so, what will it be?

Now,write your Script and include the following:
1. Name of Product or Service repeated at least 2-3 times.
2.  Clearly state your SLOGAN at least once but twice is better.
3.  As you describe the characteristics of your product/service, BE VERY PERSUASIVE!  TALK US INTO WANTING IT!  GET ENTHUSIASTIC!
4.  Make sure your commercial is at least one minute long (250-300 words)