Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Fallacies in Reasoning

FALLACIES IN REASONING                                    Name:________

They are __ reasoning!
What is a Fallacy?   Fallacy =   A statement or an argument based on false or invalid _________________.
Ad hominem = “_
Criticizing the  -- rather than his/her arguments.  (-- -- or character assassination)
What do you know about gun ownership?  You’re only 16 years old!!
Don’t vote for the negative team.  They have terrible -- in math, so you can’t trust the statistics they come up with!

“ergo propter hoc”  therefore ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­-- of this
Assuming one thing caused another.  (False ---- relationship)
The 10th grade attendance in 2012-2013 has improved. That’s because of the -- initiative.
Driving a Cadillac will help your child do better in school.  Studies show that children whose parents drive Cadillacs have higher test scores than those whose parents drive Fords.

-- to a conclusion or making an assumption too quickly, based upon very-- evidence.
Both Julie and Carrie have had car accidents this year.  Women are terrible drivers!
Our English teacher made us ready read some poetry, and it was really boring. I know now that I will-- like poetry.
You can’t trust what you read on the internet.

Suggesting that only-- alternatives exist when there are ----solutions.
Either you develop good computer skills, or you won’t be able to get a decent job.
If your nose is running, you either have a cold or the --.
We have --choices:  get iPads for all students or stick with pencils and paper.

Instead of using evidence, the speaker simply -- -- in other language.
Students should not be allowed to park in lots now reserved for -- because those lots should be for faculty only.
If such actions were not illegal, then they would not be -- by the law.
Mike was the best candidate for president, because he was totally -- than any of the others.

Comparing two things that really -- be compared because they are -- similar.
If we can land on the moon, we should be able to find a cure for the common --.
A school is like a --.  Balancing the budget is its first priority.
Children are like --  Just as nails must be hit in the head in order to make them work, so must children be spanked.

Assuming a small first step will lead to a terrible -- --.
If we let the government ban assault rifles, pretty soon they will be taking -- our guns away from us.
If teens smoke pot, eventually they will be addicted to-- drugs.

Which fallacy is it? Assignment – Put in the number of the fallacy that matches the example.

___1.  You can’t believe any of the evidence Susie brought up.  Everyone knows she’s a liar.  She lies about everything!
___2.  Driving over the speed limit is illegal because speeding is against the law.
___3.  I saw 3 teachers wearing blue jeans the other day.  That’s all those teachers ever wear now! 
___4.  We have only two choices.  Either we attack North Korea now and destroy their nuclear weapons, or we wait until they bomb us and millions of lives are lost.
___5. People are like apples.  You just bump them a little bit and they get bruised and pretty soon they are rotten to the core. 
___6. Have you ever noticed that during football season, the grades of many football players go down?  This must mean that playing football lowers your IQ. 
___7.  If we let kids wear head bands in school, the next thing they’ll want is to wear is hats, and then they’ll want to wear really short shorts, and pretty soon they’ll show up in bathing suits!  We have to stop these head bands  NOW.