Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Debate Self-Evaluation Journal
    Complete this journal AFTER you have presented your debate.  Explain your answers to the questions below using complete sentences and writing in paragraph form.
   Consider the categories from the debate ballot that are listed below as you evaluate your team’s performance and your own debating skills.

§  Use of Factual Information for Support
§  Comprehension of the Controversy & Evidence
§  Persuasiveness – Convincing your audience
§  Delivery (voice, eye contact, rate, confidence, etc.)
§  Rebuttal – Refuting and arguing against the other team’s case
§  Cross exam questioning & Summary

o   Evaluating your Team: What were the strengths of your team?  What were the weaknesses or areas that needed improvement?  What could you have done as a team to improve? (3-5+ sentences)

o   Evaluating the Process:  Which parts of the debate process did you find most challenging? (Gathering research, preparing your case, preparing rebuttal/refutation, getting organized, working as a team, presenting the debate, etc.)  Why? How is debate different from having a discussion?  Which do you like better, debate or discussion? Why?(3-5+ sentences)  

o   Self-evaluation: What are your own personal strengths as a debater?  In other words, what did you do well?  What areas would you like to improve upon? How did you feel about your debate overall? Is there anything you would do differently to improve?  Do you think your delivery or level of comfort with public speaking has improved since the first speech we did?  Why or why not?  (3-5+ sentences)

o   Reflection & Learning:  How did you feel about the topic and the side (pro or con) that you had to debate? Did you personally agree with the side you had to defend? What are some important things you learned about your topic or about the debate process overall?  (3-5+ sentences)