Friday, February 22, 2013


REVIEW for Communication Quiz

1.  Most good speakers were not born with their public speaking skills.  Rather, they __ them.
2.  Job promotions are based upon how well the worker can __ effectively in ___.
3.  This substance is released to give you extra energy when you have communication apprehension. __
4.  Hands and feet get cold, heart rate increases, breathing gets difficult, nervousness, voice gets squeaky, seating, feeling hot, giggling etc.  These are all negative __  ___ of communication apprehension in your body.
5.  Two things you can do to overcome __ __ is be very well prepared to give your speech and breathe deeply before you begin.
6.  It is normal to have __.  Even brave people have it.
7.  What are the 5 levels of communication?
     a. Talking to yourself –
     b.  Talking to 1 or 2 others –
     c.  Communicating with 4-12 people –
     d.  Speaking in front of a group that is larger than 12 people –
     e.  Magazines, internet, bill boards, radio, TV
8. __ is the physical, social, psychological, and time elements in which communication takes place.  For example, taking off your hat could __ many different things such as it’s too hot or the national anthem is being played.
9.  a.  The __ sends a message or idea to be understood.
     b.  The __ is the intended object or target of the message.
     c.  The __ is the idea or action being sent.
     d.  The way or means an idea is communicated (spoken, text, phone, etc.)
     e.  __ is the response of the receiver to the message.
     f.  The social, psychological, time, and physical setting of communication is the __
     g.  __ Gets in the way of the message and distorts it.

Terms to choose from…
Communicate                   Adrenalin
Groups                  Communication apprehension
Interference                  Intrapersonal
Interpersonal                  Mass Communication
Sender                            Mean
Learned                          Side Effects
Channel                           Feedback
Message                         Small group
Receiver                         Fear
Context                          Public Speaking

Chapter Three  The Process of Public Speaking    Name: ________

DirectionsUse the Maroon colored Speech book in the back of the room to answer these questions.

1.  Explain what communication is.

2.  Communication has no beginning or ending points;  it is an ongoing activity.  This is a _______.

3.  In what ways can a person who is speaking receive messages at the same time?  Explain your answer.

5.  Define the following terms in your own words.  Then draw a communication model that includes all the terms that have a star * in front of them.

*Sender –

*Receiver –

*Message –

*Feedback –

Verbal Communication –

Nonverbal communication –

*Context –

*Interference –

*Channel -

*Context –

Draw the model here…

5.  List the five levels of communication and briefly tell what each one is.






6.  List the three feedback loops and briefly tell how each one considers the audience.


