Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Chapter 1 Questions

Chapter 1 
Public Speaking and You   

        Answer these questions based upon the information in the book.  Email your answers to pcurtiss@isd317.org

1.  Why is it that many students question why they should have to learn to give speeches?

2.  Are most good speakers born with their speaking skills, or have they learned them?

3.  Name three opportunities you have in school to use your speaking skills.

4.  Several recent studies reveal that businesses want workers that know their field and also can do what?

5.  What are job promotions often based upon?

6.  What important right does the First Amendment guarantee us?

7.  The roots of today’s public speaking are found in what ancient culture and from what city?

8.   What responsibility do American citizens have regarding the First Amendment?

9.  List the seven added benefits there are of learning how to make speeches.  (They are 7 areas of skill that will be developed through public speaking.)

10.  Public Speaking involves taking risks.  What are four real concerns that speakers have when they get in front of a group to speak?

11.  What is another name for “communication apprehension”?

12.  What does research show that adults fear more than anything else?

13.  In a fearful situation, what substance does your body release into the blood stream?

14.  Name three physical responses of the body to this substance being released.

15.  What do athletes and performers know about nervousness?

16.  What is the best solution for overcoming fear of speaking?

17.  When you are delivering your speech, how should you begin?

18.  What should you do before you get up and speak to control nervousness?