Monday, December 10, 2012


“How To” Essay – In a five paragraph essay, describe a process you know very well.  See the thesis statements below for a possible topic.

1.  Choose a thesis statement from the list.
2.  Make an outline, following the correct outline form. [See outline form below.]
3.  Write an introduction (at least 3 sentences).  Start with an attention getter.  Include your thesis statement as one of the sentences.
4.  Write at least three body paragraphs that are about 5+ sentences long.  Tell the process step by step.
5.  Write a conclusion that is about 3 sentences long.  Sum up your paper and restate your thesis in a different way. 
6.  Put your paper into a Word document after you write it on Evernote.  Double space it (highlight all, then control 2).  Under TOOLS do a spell check and grammar check.
7.  Have someone proofread your paper for you.  Then, fix your errors.

1.  Do you know how to babysit small children and live to tell about it?  (Mention at least 3 steps to successful babysitting.)
2.  If you want to be a safe driver, there are three basic steps to follow.
3.  If you are bored and dissatisfied with the world you live in, perhaps you should discover these three ways to “get more out of life.”
4.  There are three basic ways to improve your batting average.
5.  Do you know how to get along well with your parents?  You can if you learn to ________, ________, and _________.
6.  There are three basic steps to follow to overcme stress and anxiety in your life.
7.  Losing weight can be a real struggle, but it is possible to do if you _________, _______, and __________.
8.  You can learn how to water ski, even if you have never done it before, if you’ll follow these three steps.
9.  In order to say out of trouble in school, every student should _________, _______, and __________.
10.  Do you know the three basic steps in taking care of a new puppy?
11.  If you want to become popular in school, you must be sure to _________, _______, and __________.
12.  If you’re tired of looking like a weakling, follow these three steps to body building.
13.  Do you know how to get organized ans stop being a slob?  You can if you _________, _______, and __________.
14.  There are three basics to solving a conflict or argument with a friend or family member.
15.  Do you know the basic steps in howto get along with your little brother or sister?  They are _________, _______, and __________.
16.  There are three basic steps to follow when you ar trying to get your parents to trust you again—after you’ve blown it.
17.  Here are three simple tips to follow if you want to get on the honor roll at school.
18.  Write your own thesis statement!


                                  TITLE OF “HOW TO” ESSAY

Thesis:  Write your thesis statement here.


II. The first step...(finish this sentence)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence

III.   The next step in …(finish this sentence)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence

IV.     The last step...(finish this sentence)

     A. Supporting idea
     B. Supporting idea
     C. Supporting idea
     D. Supporting idea
     E. Closing sentence