Monday, December 17, 2012


PART ONE:  Erase the choice that doesn't belong there.  Leave the correct choice.

  1. Teachers accept/except everyone.
  2. I appreciate your advice/advise.
  3. That drug has bad side effects/affects. Your attitude effects/affects mine.
  4. I choose/chose the wrong answer.
  5. Sam is going to the game, to/too.
  6. I can’t find you’re/your sweater.
  7. They’re/Their all working alone.
  8. She through/threw it to home plate.
  9. He is taller than/then Sam.
  10. It’s really quiet/quite cold outside.
  11. The dog chased its/it’s tail.
  12. You are going to lose/loose your pants because they are too lose/loose.
  13. Everything looks all right/alright to me.
  14. I am all ready/already for the game tonight.
  15. I hope we can altar/alter this dress so it fits.
  16. That’s an altogether/all together different story.
  17. The brakes/breaks on my car don’t work right.
  18. The capital/capitol of Minnesota is St. Paul.
  19. I need to wash the clothes/cloths in the hamper.
  20. I am taking a Latin course/coarse.
  21. Sue is on the Student Council/Counsel.
  22. The camel crossed the desert/dessert, and his rider said,  “Please don’t desert/dessert me!
  23. They were dressed formerly/formally for the prom.
  24. It is always good to here/hear from you.
  25. Led/Lead paint is dangerous.
  26. You should forget the passed/past.
  27. I would like a peace/piece of pie.
  28. The plane/plain landed in the field.
  29. Our principle/principal is Mrs. Cooney.
  30. The sun shone/shown brightly.
  31. I’m writing on stationary/stationery.
  32. I don’t know whether/weather or not I’ll go.
  33. Who’s/Whose dog is this?

PART TWO:  Directions:  Find and fix all the errors in using confused words in the paragraphs below. 

The counsel decided to keep the matter quite before they took a brake from their work.  It had become plane to all of them that there confidentiality would be necessary.  Why?  Because the news that they had discovered was worse then they had ever imagined possible.  After they had excepted that fact,  the chairman gave everyone some advise.  (Formally he had been known as a troublemaker that no one liked.  However, the council had all ready decided to follow his led, since the situation was so serious.) The chairman’s advice was that a private detective be hired.  The board excepted his council and quickly agreed.
          The room grew quiet.  Everyone was thinking to himself, “How had over $1,000,000 disappeared from the corporation’s accounts?  Of coarse, no one knew.  How could a company loose so much money overnight?  This was all together unheard of in the banking business.  If this information got too the news media, their would be no way to stop a scandal.  Only one man knew where the missing money was--Joseph Milborne.  He was a newcomer on the council, but he had all ready made a name for himself as a banking genius.  He choose to keep his mouth shut, and tried to appear calm.  Remembering the passed, he recalled how he had pulled off the perfect crime.  He could feel the sweat gathering under his cloths as the brilliant sun shown through the blinds.  Than, he felt more uncomfortable then ever as the chairman stared at him. 
          “Joe, since your an expert with our computer system, do you have any explanation for what has happened?” the chairman said.  “Is it possible that an outsider tapped into our accounts and altared them in some way?”
          Joe squirmed in his seat. He choose to speak slowly and cautiously.  “I here some say it is possible.”
          “Well,” said another, “I don’t see how that could happen.  Its impossible to brake our code without the password.”
          Joe felt like desserting the board room and heading out of town fast.  He all ready had the funds deposited in a Swiss bank account under a false name that only he could access.  “Their so stupid,” he thought to himself.  “There not even suspecting me.”  He’d be taking a plain to Switzerland that evening, and than their would be no stopping him.  The thought of having all that money to himself was having a peculiar affect upon Joe.  He was hoping he wouldn’t say something too strange or loose his head now that he was so close to being rich.  Perhaps the reason he felt no guilt was because he had never followed any ethical principals.           Than, Joe casually glanced threw the window at his new Mercedes in the parking lot below.  The whether promised to be clear tonight--perfect for flying.  Then he saw something that made him feel week.  “Whose messing with my car?” he wondered.  But it was to late.  Soon Joseph Milborne would be speaking to the police.  He’d be forced to answer some questions that were quiet difficult.