Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pain-B-Gone Ad Analysis

Commercial Script Analysis     
       Do you suffer from headaches that pound and pound until you can’t think straight?  Do you get the feeling that the pain will never end?  Does your head feel like it has been hit with a hammer or a pick ax? Are you crabby and irritable because the pain is getting you down?  Then, you need PAIN-B-GONE. PAIN-B-GONE MAKES THE PAIN FLY AWAY LIKE A WARM SUMMER DAY.  And you know how fast the summer flies!

          PAIN-B-GONE is an amazing product for those who have tried it themselves.  Why?  I will tell you why.  It’s because PAIN-B-GONE works fast, faster than any other pain reliever on the market today. The moment PAIN-B-GONE hits your stomach, it begins to flood your body with tiny jet-rays of pain relieving medication.  Your pain will fly away as fast as a warm summer day!
           PAIN-B-GONE is fast but gentle.  You won’t have to worry about an upset stomach.  It’s effective and safe to use.  And best of all, PAIN-B-GONE will cost you less than a trip to the doctor.  That’s right—a month’s supply of PAIN-B-GONE costs only $19.99.  And if you act now, you will also receive a free sample of BADBREATH-BE-GONE.  BADBREATH-BE-GONE works instantly to make your breath fresh and clean as a summer day!
          So don’t let your headache pound, pound, pound until you can’t think straight! Call 1-800-PAINGONE to receive your first moth’s suppy of PAIN-B-GONE and BADBREATH-BE-GONE absolutely free!  Remember, PAIN-B-GONE makes the pain fly away like a warm summer day!   (252 words)

1.     What is the SLOGAN for this product?
2.    How many times is the slogan repeated?
3.    How many times is the product name repeated?
4.    Based upon the slogan and summer picture, what do you think the primary advertising technique is? ______________ What other technique might fit based on other pictures?
5.   Who is the intended audience?
6.   How does the ad catch your attention in the intro?
7.   How many reasons are given to persuade you to buy this product?
8.   How does the ad conclude?