MSDPD Sample Debate Name:
1. What is this debate about?
What is the age of the students who are participating in the debate?
How many students are on each team?
What is the topic being debated?
2. List 4 of the main points the First Proposition (Affirmative) speaker makes.
3. What do the opposition (negative) team
members do when they want to ask a question of the first affirmative speaker?
How many questions does the first affirmative speaker answer?

5. List 3 of the main points the First
Opposition (Negative) speaker made after he finished refuting the First
Proposition’s (Affirmative’s) arguments.
6. How do debate speakers
know how much time they have left to speak?
7. What’s the pounding on the table supposed to
be about? Why do they do it?
8. When
it’s the Second Proposition/Affirmative speaker’s turn,
she does three things: 1.) Rebuilds their case by restating their team’s
main ideas, 2.) Refutes what the Negative Team said, and 3.) Adds some new
information to support their case.
What is some new info or
arguments she adds to the debate? Name
at least one thing.
9. What were the Opposition/Negative team members doing while the Second Affirmative speaker talked?
10. What was one thing that the Second
Proposition/Affirmative speaker refuted?
(One thing she brought up and argued against that the previous speaker

Does she refute the Affirmative team’s arguments?
When an affirmative team member asks a question, how does this
speaker handle her or treat her?
What is one good point that this Second Opposition/Negative
speaker makes about watching TV?
12. Next, the Third Opposition/Negative speaker gives her team’s
summary. Usually, the team’s BEST/STRONGEST speaker
goes last. Do you think she is the
best? Why or why not?

14. In
your opinion, which team, Affirmative Proposition
or Negative Opposition, won the debate?
Why? (Base your decision on debating
skill, not on what you think about children watching TV.)