Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Dakota Legend and Conflict

Conflict Notes
Conflict is the colliding or clashing of __, ___, ___, or ___.

There are 5 basic types of conflict:
1.     – One character has a problem with one or more other characters in the story.
2.      – A character has a conflict with society’s expectations of him or it’s traditions.  (Conflict with the Law, at school, etc.)
3.     – A character has trouble deciding what to do in a particular situation.  He struggles within himself to decide.
4.     – A character has a problem with some natural happening:  a snowstorm, an avalanche, a flood, or other element of nature.
5.     – A character has to battle what seems to be an uncontrollable problem--something he cannot change—because of his destiny.
What is the conflict in "Folsom Prison Blues?"  Explain your answer.

Dakota Legend questions
1. According to this legend, where were the Dakota tribes invading?
2.  Who related an account of this story to the author?
3.  Why did the young warrior insist on going to war against the Ojibway people?  Give 2 reasons.
4.  Why did the young bride want her husband to stay and not go to war?
5.  Before the Dakota warrior left his young bride, what did he do besides promise that he would return to her?
6.  How did all the women get ready when the return of their husbands was soon to be expected?
7.  What was the young bride doing when she saw a dark object in the waters of the Mississippi River?
8. How had the young husband kept his promise to his wife?
9.  Explain how this mysterious happening could have occurred.
10. What happened to the young bride in the end of the story?
11.  The setting of this story is in northern Mineesota.  List all the geographical words and phrases in this legend with which you are familiar.