Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Comp I - 4 ways to avoid fragments (day 2)

PART A - Make each of the following fragments into sentences by adding words to them.

Example: Because I missed the bus by seconds. (FRAG)
I was twenty minutes late because I missed the bus by seconds. (CORRECT)

1. who broke her glasses
2. because the lights on the stage went out during the performance
3. while Jolene was rehearsing her part
4. who is president of the Student Council
5. after the fish got away
6. that are working on a clean-up campaign for the school
7. if you want to own a pet
8. which were racing across the lake
9. because the library closes at six o’clock
10. whom I met at your party

“A/B” work: Do PART A first. Then, go on to other activities below. 

Part B: Fix the fragments in the sentences below by adding words to them or by connecting them to other sentences. Do not create run-ons.

Although women's college basketball in Connecticut is a marvelously entertaining and popular sport. It not hard to remember. When it was not so popular. Which is hard to believe. Only a few years ago, my friends and I to go to a women's basketball game. And we could get seats for free near center court. Especially on Sunday afternoons. Of course, that before names such as Rebeccca Lobo, Jenn Rizzotti, and Kara Wolters became household words. Lobo's book, HOME-COURT ADVANTAGE, which she wrote with her mother. A best-seller in Connecticut. If more than a couple of hundred fans showed up for a game. It was considered a big turnout. And games were played in practically silent gyms. Because the fans didn't care who won. Nowadays, it almost impossible to buy tickets to a women's game, and you can't get seats. Unless you know someone.

Part C: Find online ads and locate fragments in them. Write the fragments here. (Find as many as you can in the time you have to work today.)

Part 3: Go here and do the practice test. Show the teacher your final score. Click on “Play the Game.”
Posted Wed Aug 27, 2014 at 9:35 am